Bookkeeping Centrum
Bookkeeping is our business and that is all we do. Unlike the competition, we are headquartered Irvine CA and all of our staff is the beautiful USA. Our Bookkeeping services are focused to Small Businesses, CPA/Accounting firms, Franchisors/Franchisees and Venture Capital Firms.We understand that your business has core activities and core competences which require time with your clients rather than monotonous bookkeeping activities. We are geared exclusively to help these firms manage the bookkeeping workload, expand your client base and increase the firm’s efficiency and reliability without the need to overstaff.Our experienced staff has served a multitude of industries and bookkeeping capabilities. From bookkeeping software set-up to training and organizing financial reporting teams. Our staff has accomplished roles from bookkeeper to CFO.
Bookkeeping Centrum
Cómo ayudamos en las actividades de cierre de año
Bookkeeping Centrum
Bienvenidos nuevamente a este podcast semanal donde hablaremos de las actividades que se realizan en fin de año y la importancia de tener un control en nuestras finanzas. El final del año fiscal es un momento crítico para los equipos financieros.
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